What We Do Our vision is to Re establish the ancient Empire of Kemet Programme of Action kemet/afrikan spirituality The foundation of Kemet/African spirituality is the African Calendar. We give lectures about the Southern Hemisphere calendar, we call the Kemet/African calendar.We are in the process of organising a cleansing and atonement ceremony for all people of Kemet/Africa. culture "Know Thy Self" Self knowledge is the foundation of our culture. We promote the spirit of Maat/Ubuntu. We also promote African unity and patriotism. Our culture is grounded by Ubukhosi/African Royalty. education Our education system places more emphasis on developing People's talents. We polish the innate ability within and encourage people to live by their talents. Kemet market black economy We promote the establishment of Black Economy. We promote the industrilization of Townships and agricultural development in rural areas. Want to make a difference? Help us raise money for Our Decolonization programmes. Donate