There is lots of activity at GEK as we prepare for the Izibu Lotus Ceremony in Polokwane at the Tropic of Capricorn Monument. This ceremony is in celebration of the Summer Solstice on December 23, a day when the Earth is closest to the Sun in the Southern Hemisphere. Please be on the look -out on all our social media sites for updates as we approach this special date.

There will be Konscious Friday Market Days beginning Friday November 24th until the last Friday before the pilgrimage for the Lotus/Izibu Ceremony. This is in order to raise funds for the Pilgrimage while simultaneously bringing the community together to experience the talent and to support small Black businesses as we build the unity that will ultimately lead to our self-sufficiency as the Black Nation.

Last Saturday Mkhulu Nsingiza was in conversation with Dr. Baba T’Shaka on the topic of looking into our ancient history for governing systems that our ancient ancestors lived by and how they differed from what is in existence today, with the goal of identifying structures that are most suitable for Afrika’s future. The two elders were in agreement on the fact that republics in Afrika were a scam and that Afrikans were sold an illusion of freedom and autonomy at various points on so called independence from colonial rule.

Dr.Baba T’Shaka is a scholar and revolutionary with a long track record of work towards the emancipation of Afrikans all over the world. He has written extensively on many issues and has studied the Twa ancestors who are the first humans on the planet and how their societies were structured. His vast knowledge brought depth and added a new perspective to Kemetic history, cosmology and spirituality that Master Teacher Mkhulu Nsingiza brought to the discussion. It was insightful to listen to the two elders come to a convergence about the necessity of balancing the divine feminine and masculine aspects of ourselves as individuals and having this reflected in the Black family as well as in any governance structure for Afrikans. The importance of the spiritual nature of our essence as Afrikan people was made clear as well as the fact that without being in harmony with Nature and continuously creating balance and resonance with the Cosmos, Afrikans would not be able to attain the freedom that has eluded them for centuries.
Sunday Lecture was about Het-Heru and submission to Spirit/uMoya, knowing and trusting that ultimately solutions for our challenges would come from Spirit in the right way, at the appointed time.